Check out John Mahama’s 22 policy ideas for the Tourism and Arts sector

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Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama has outlined some of his policies for the creative economy should he be elected in 2024.

The former president of Ghana stated that the creative sector can provide millions of jobs for Ghanaians at a policy debate with stakeholders in the creative arts sector held at the AH Hotel in Accra on Friday, June 7, 2024.

He said elsewhere in the world, the most successful and the richest people are the creatives but the same cannot be said about Ghana.

“The creative arts is a very important industry and has the potential to create millions of jobs. All our young people who are sitting at home, many of them are talented but there are no opportunities for them to show their talents. So if we can put the creative industry on a sound footing, it will create opportunities for many of our young people,” he said.

Ahead of the launch of the NDC’s manifesto, John Mahama mentioned some strategies they intend to use to elevate the industry if the NDC wins elections in December 2024.

Below are 22 of the policy ideas

(1) To make budgetary allocation for the creative arts

(2) Declare the Golden Age of Culture, Arts, and Tourism, an overarching policy for the sector: where there will be actions and modules to promote job creation and entrepreneurship. Under this will be the BlackStar Experience, which will be one of the sub-themes to imbue Africanism in Ghanaians and encourage people to come from all over the world to see our arts, tourism, and culture.

(3) Renovate Centres of Arts and Culture in the various regions.

(4) To streamline copyright modalities and IP Laws

(5) There will be film festivals where Ghanaian films will be exhibited.

(6) They will also organize art exhibitions, music shows, fashion programs

(7) There will be a special focus on drama and theatre arts: playwrights will be supported to exhibit their plays

(8) Creatives to attend international trade fairs to exhibit Ghanaian culture and arts.

(9) To pursue the dream of establishing a film village, get equipment at a low cost for filmmakers.

(10) To rehabilitate the National Theatre in Accra and build a second National Theatre in Kumasi.

(11) To acquire a special event channel for the creative arts programs on digital terrestrial television (DTT), provide a technology that will make that show payable, so people will pay to watch.

(12) To give special rates for performances at Blackstar Square, Accra International Conference Centre, and other venues owned by the government.

(13) Encourage the teaching of music and arts in the curriculum: provide trained teachers for such subjects.

(14) Introduce tax breaks for creative artists who have Tax Identification Numbers (TIN).

(15) Formalise a fund for aging artists.

(16) Revive the National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFAC)

(17) In partnership with the private sector, develop all the tourist sites

(18) Revive the Marine Drive Project

(19) Provide Amusement Parks

(20) Review the tourism fund, and make sure it benefits the various stakeholders in the tourism value chain

(21) Build a new city on the banks of the Volta Region with facilities that will generate arts activities and boost tourism.

(22) Hold annual stakeholder dialogue with people in the Creative Arts.


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