MTN Ghana drives sustainable development through digital innovation

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MTN Ghana has renewed its commitment to utilizing digital innovation as a catalyst for sustainable development across the nation.

On the occasion of the global celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, under the theme “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development,” MTN Ghana has underscored its dedication to leveraging technology to foster socio-economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion.

This commitment, according to the company in a statement it issued to mark the occasion, aligns with its Ambition 2025 strategy, which places Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles at its core, aiming to spearhead digital solutions for Africa and Ghana’s advancement.

For over three decades, MTN has been at the forefront of digital innovation in Africa and Ghana, driving progress through initiatives that enhance access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. From investments in digital infrastructure to fostering collaborations with governments and businesses, MTN’s contributions have been instrumental in shaping the digital landscape of the nation.

Stephen Blewett, CEO of MTN Ghana, emphasizes the pivotal role of Africa’s fintech ecosystem in driving economic development. He underscores the potential of fintech to stimulate local economies, foster innovation, create jobs, and enhance financial inclusion. Blewett calls for policy frameworks that support the establishment of innovation hubs and digital sandboxes, providing platforms for incubating and scaling innovative solutions.

As the world celebrates World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, MTN Ghana says it is inviting stakeholders to reaffirm their commitment to harnessing digital innovation for sustainable development.

By embracing technology as a force for good and fostering collaboration, MTN believes in shaping a future where every Ghanaian can thrive in the digital world.

MTN also expressed gratitude to its customers for their continued support and wished everyone a Happy World Telecoms and Information Society Day, emphasizing the belief that “everyone deserves the benefit of a modern connected life.”

Below is the MTN Ghana statement in full


On the occasion of the celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, MTN celebrates the transformative power of communication technology. At MTN Ghana, we remain committed to connecting people, enabling progress, and driving digital inclusion across our nation.

This year’s theme, “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development,” is aligned with MTN’s Ambition 2025 strategy which seeks to lead digital solutions for Africa’s and Ghana’s progress with Environment, Social and Governance at the core. It demonstrates that technology, innovation, environmental, and societal concerns are realities that cannot be overlooked if long-term sustainable socio-economic growth and prosperity are to be achieved in Africa. It also underscores the importance of leveraging and harnessing digital innovation in the telecommunications industry to provide innovative products and services, address global issues, drive socio-economic empowerment, and boost digital and financial inclusion.

Over the last 30 years, MTN has played a crucial role in Africa and Ghana in driving digital innovation on several fronts. From enhancing access to education and healthcare, boosting economic growth through digital skills and other support programs, innovation in the fintech and digital economy sectors, fostering strategic collaborations, and infrastructure investment among others, MTN’s contributions have been far-reaching and invaluable.

As a company rooted in Africa, our journey has been one of innovation, resilience, and collaboration. We have set the pace with our innovative products, empowered communities through our corporate social investments, and paved the way for a brighter digital future through our massive infrastructure investments. Partnerships with governments, businesses, and others have been at the centre of our success in areas such as financial inclusion. As we reflect on our achievements, we extend our gratitude to each stakeholder who has been part of this remarkable journey.

As we celebrate the day, we reiterate the remarks of the CEO of MTN Ghana, Stephen Blewett, at the recent 3i Summit “Africa’s fintech ecosystem is the engine that will drive its digital revolution and economic development in the coming years. Fintech can stimulate local economies and drive progress across the continent in several ways – financial inclusion, innovation and entrepreneurship, job creation, cross-border transactions and payments, digital identity and security, agriculture and rural development, government services, investment, and funding, as well as digital and financial literacy.”

His call for policy and legal frameworks to encourage the establishment of innovation hubs and

digital sandboxes to provide the platform for incubating, testing, and rolling out new products reinforces the need for governments and businesses to be deliberate and collaborate in their approach to sustainable development.  Such hubs will be the channels for mentoring and nurturing the next generation of African entrepreneurs while providing the necessary resources, environment, and training in the digital space.

As we mark World Telecommunication Day 2024, let us reaffirm our commitment to harnessing digital innovation for sustainable development. By embracing technology as a force for good and leveraging its transformative potential, we can all work together in shaping Africa’s progress.

Today, we celebrate the power of connectivity, the promise of technology, and the unity of purpose. Together, we shape a future where every Ghanaian can thrive in the digital world and affirm our belief that “everyone deserves the benefit of a modern connected life.”

We thank all our customers for being part of our journey and wish everyone a Happy World Telecoms and Information Society Day.


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