My 5 leadership lessons from being Black Stars captain: Stephen Appiah

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That former Ghana captain Stephen Appiah has an aura around him is a known fact.

That he was a key figure in the Black Stars moving from the dark days of 2003/04 into the heady period from 2006 is there for all to see.

On Saturday, he was on the Joy Sports Link to talk about his story, and reflect on the way forward for his career.

One high point of the interview was when host Nathaniel Attoh sought lessons from his career as Black Stars captain.Stephen Appiah on five leadership qualities Stephen Appiah shares lessons from his career as Black Stars captain.

Appiah, in response, said the following:

1. Empathy

Empathy simply means putting yourself in people’s shoes so that you can feel what they feel. When you do that, you will always take decisions that will help people and not hurt them.

2. Communication

The people you are dealing with are human beings, not animals. Talk to them. Hear their side of the story. Always consider them before making decisions.

3. Courage

Not every decision you will take as a leader will be popular. But if you really believe it is the right thing. You have to be bold and go ahead.

4. Never stop learning

In life, I have learned that what you knew yesterday may no more be relevant today. So leaders must always invest in educating themselves all the time.

5. Humility

No matter how high you are, you must still remain a servant as a leader. It is only when you serve that you can be a good leader.

Source: Gary Al-Smith Via

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