Three communities in Ejisu cry over abandoned road project

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Residents of three communities in the Ejisu Municipality say they are struggling to cope with the deplorable state of their roads.

The Echem, Akokoamong, and Achiase communities are plagued with dust pollution as the construction of major drains in the area is abandoned. The situation is worse during the rainy season.

Food vendors along the roads are particularly struggling with the excessive dust, which discourages patronage of their products.

The residents say the health risk of the dusty road is also dire.

They have lost count of the government’s promises to construct their roads. Despite numerous appeals to the authorities, the situation remains unchanged.

The residents continue to appeal to the government to take immediate action to rehabilitate their roads.

Leader of the concerned youth, Kwabena Tawiah, noted the road leading to the government hospital of Achiase has its bridge unfinished by the contractor, forcing residents to take a long detour to reach the hospital.

The people of Echem, Akokoamong, and Achiase are bracing themselves for the worst, hoping that their voices will finally be heard and their roads will be fixed.

SourceJosephine Sagoe

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